What is git? How to use git



Git is software that is created by Microsoft in 2005 by  Linus Torvalds. He Introduced Git for developing the Linux kernel he wants another kernel developer to contribute to the Linux kernel. This software is the type of  VCS(Version Control System)
It is used for tracking the change in the Group of Files. Generally used by programmers for collaborating in the same project. In Simple language, programmers use it to store their Source code so that another member of this project can access it and if there is any kind of Mistake made by another programmer they can fix it with Another, and they can work mutually by different skills which they all have.

For Example, if Someone Knows Html, CSS, and Javascript but doesn't have any knowledge of the backend language. He can manage the Frontend of Their project, as same as if someone knows the backend Language like Python, Php, c#, etc. But he's not creative enough he can manage the only Backend. as we can see in the office there are different groups of person and every group has its own name like salse group, developers group, designer group, etc  

2:- How is Git used in the development world?

If You are a programmer you know how important to maintain the code if there is a little bit of space extra in your source code your project can crash. Python developers can understand it because they have to very care full about indentation. If you add or remove the space mistakenly .and your Source code does not require it your code will crash and you have to waste a huge time period to find the mistake and solve it. But if the programmer uses the git in their project he can track the change of a single space. if there is something wrong he can check what he changes in his code and where he changes it he resolve it easily. 

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