What is DBMS (Database Management System)



In this post, we gonna talk about DBMS. We will talk about what is DBMS, the difference between DB DBMS, Most people are confused between the database and DBMS, So first let's see What is DBMS.

DBMS is Stands for Database Management System. As we can understand by its name Database Management System is used to manage the Database. Database Management System is used to create the database.  Read the Database and Update the Database. Some popular databases in the world are

 Database Management System

  • Mongo DB
  • Postgre SQL
  • Oracle
  • MySQL
  • Microsoft SQL Server

These are some popular Database Management systems in the world. Which are mostly used by a multinational company in their project to manage the Database. Almost every Database management systems support only one language and that is SQL. SQL stands for the Structure Query Language.

 Difference Between the DBMS and DB.

Basically, DB that stands for Database is subordinate to DBMS that stands for Database Management system. Because we manage our database through Database Management System. We have to right query to perform a task in our database. We can add the data into the database through this query. We can update the data into the database. we can delete the data into the data through this query. we have to write a query and give it to the Database management system and then the database management performs that task on our database which we mentioned in our query.

Types of Database Management System 

We have already talked about the database management system now let's talk about the types of database management systems. There are two types of database management systems. The first one is Relational Database Management System and the second one is No-Relational Database  Management System. Now let's talk about the difference between relational and no-relation database management systems.

Difference between relational and no-relational Database Management system 

Relational Database Management System is Store the Data in the form of a table that is related to each other. RDBMS (Relational database management system) uses the tabular structure where the header names are the column name and row contains corresponding value by its name. Relational Database management system presents the data normalization. Basically, a Multinational company's first priority is RDBMS In their project. In RDBMS there is multilevel security regarding data manipulation.

Database Management System is considered as a no relational database management system. Database management systems store the data as a file. DBMS stores the data either in hierarchical or in a navigational form. DBMS does not present the data normalization. There is no relation between the data into the Database management system. In DBMS there is no security regarding data manipulation.

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