Which Programming Language Should Learn First in 2021

In 2021 Most people want to learn to program but they are confused that from which programming language should learn. In this post, we gonna talk about which programming language you should start.

It is very common. Whoever wants to learn to program. He/She has the problem to choose the first programming language. Before taking any Decision just ask yourself why you want to learn to program. Do you want to be a Web developer, Do you want to Android Developer, Do you want to be a Game developer, Do you want to be a data scientist, or Do you want to be a software developer.

Uses Of Language


Python is a very popular general-purpose language. With python, you can develop any kind of website Software and you can develop a machine learning model also. python has a huge community support
In 2021 requirement of data scientists has increased. you can get the highest paying job after learning python. I recommend you to learn python because it's very easy to learn.


Java is an Object printed programming Language. After learning java You can build your android application and upload it to the play store and get paid for it. The requirement of Android developers is also increasing day by day. Java is a very good option if you want to be an android developer.


c and c++ are best for those who want to be Game Developers because c and c++ are very fast in processing as compared to any other programming language. In-game development you should be strong in maths so if you are good in maths and want to be an android developer you should start with C Language. 


Php is server backend language. PHP use in web development if you want to be a Web developer you can start with Php. In Php, Yo can easily work with the database.

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