what is docker? Why should we use Docker?


What is Docker?

Docker is an open-source platform. Docker uses the container base architecture for developing, shifting, and running application software. Docker allows you to distinguish your application from the infrastructure. So that we can run the shifted application software with perfection. In short With the help of Docker, we can shift, test, deploy our code fast.

Why should we use Docker?

1. Prevent from the system cluttering

If we want to execute our code on our local computer system, we need to install all the libraries and dependencies. And also we need to install all the services that our app needs like the database.

 I guarantee you: it will become a mess. If we need to use another database like MariaDB for a different project, then we have to uninstall the previously installed database.

And once we have installed all the services. They get started automatically. But at the and if we need to install MySQL for another project. We need to install the database which we had install for the last project.  And then everything will be messed up.

2. No need for OS dependencies

Each operating system supports Docker. It means Docker can easily run on all the operating systems like Windows, Linux, macOS, etc. there is no difference inside the container.

3 Generate the shareable application

Any kind of software or application that we have built can be easily shared or published with the help of Docker. If we build a proper image in Docker. we don't need any configuration and system specifications. we can run this image in any OS environment as same as it was.      

The only difference in this environment we can not control the libraries and independence. Because it is already configured for any OS environment.

4. Revertable results

One thing about the docker which makes it cool and necessary is its reproducible result. Once we have created an image of and then produce the container with this image. For some reason, you delete that container but you realize delete this container is a very big mistake that you done. And you want to get this container so don't worry you can reproduce the container and start over again. Because the image is immutable.  

5. Time saver

The most important thing is Docker saves our time to manage all the setup and generate the same result. even if we don't use the same operating system or same version of the operating system

I think these reasons are enough to get understand that how important is docker for the developers.
who has face this issue will definitely start using Docker?
